Privacy – Panolam Surface Systems


We are committed to ensuring that users of this website understand this website’s privacy practices. This Internet Privacy Statement will outline 1) what personal information may be collected, 2) how that personal information may be utilized, 3) who may have access to the personal information and 4) how the personal information is protected within the secure infrastructure of this website. This Internet Privacy Statement applies to this website, the services provided and the information collected.

  1. What personally identifiable information of yours or third-party personal identification is collected from you through the website
  2. The organization collecting the information
  3. How the information is used
  4. With whom the information may be shared
  5. What choices are available to you for collection, use, and distribution of the information
  6. The kind of security procedures in place to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of information under Panolam Industries International, Inc. control
  7. How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information

If you have questions or concerns about this Internet Privacy Statement and/or the privacy practices of this website, you should first contact:

Customer service: 877.726.6526

Commitment to Confidentiality
Confidentiality is a top priority at Panolam Industries. We are committed to maintaining the highest level of confidentiality with all of the information we receive from this website’s users. This Internet Privacy Statement assures you that the information you share with Panolam Industries is kept confidential and fully secure. Links to other websites may be available to provide you with additional useful information and services. Links that take you off this website are clearly labeled. Panolam Industries is not responsible for the privacy policies or actions of those who control other websites. We encourage you to look for and review the privacy policies of any website you visit.

Panolam Industries may also partner with third parties and provides links to their websites to offer you additional information and services. You may see both the Panolam Industries logo and the third party’s logo on these third-party websites. Users of these websites should be aware of who is collecting personal information and who’s Internet Privacy Statement applies before they provide personal information. Panolam Industries may not have control over third-party partners’ use of your information.

Collection and Use of Personal Information
Users of this website have the option to provide certain personal information. This personal information may be required in order to receive specific services. By providing such information, you are agreeing that Panolam Industries may store, process, and review such information. And we may use this personal information for the purpose for which it was collected.

We collect certain personally identifiable information from our users at different places within this website. Our definition of personally identifiable information includes any information that may be used to specifically identify or contact you, such as your name, mail address, telephone number, etc. Certain information may not be personally identifiable when standing alone (e.g., your age), but may become so when combined with other information (e.g., your age and address). We may use the voluntarily provided contact information to notify website users of updates, products, services, or upcoming events. Website users who do not wish to receive such notifications via e-mail can choose to opt out of receiving such information. It is our policy that e-mail messages will contain an “unsubscribe” feature, along with instructions on how to execute the unsubscribe function. Registered website users can opt out of receiving e-mail messages by updating their communications preferences within the secured portion of the Panolam Industries website.

We recognize that when website users choose to provide personal information, they trust that we will protect their privacy and will provide them with choices about how that information is to be shared. Panolam Industries will not sell, trade, rent or disclose the personal information that you provide unless you authorize us to do so or required to do so by law.

There are instances in which Panolam Industries may disclose website user’s personal information to our agents, third-party partners, affiliates, and subsidiaries to enable them to perform functions on our behalf. These business functions may include but not limited to order fulfillment, e-mail campaign provider, and/or credit card processing service. These companies are only permitted to share, store and/or use personal information for contracted business purposes.

We may share your personal information when we believe that such action is necessary to: 1) fulfill an enforceable government request; 2) conform with the requirements of the law or legal process; 3) protect or defend our legal rights or property, this website, or other users; or 4) protect your health and safety or the health and safety of this website’s users or the general public.

Internal security procedures
Information that you share on the website is kept strictly confidential and fully secure. Your encrypted (encoded) information is protected using “Secure Socket Layers (SSL)” as it passes between your browser and this website. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.
No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Only authorized persons are permitted to access your personal information. All authorized persons must abide by security, privacy, and confidentiality agreements.

If you send questions or comments to an e-mail address listed within this website or via a contact form located within this website, we will share your correspondence with a Panolam Industries associate most capable of addressing your questions and concerns. We will retain your communications until we have done our very best to provide you with a complete and satisfactory response. Ultimately, we will either discard your communication or, in some cases, archive it. We will not keep your e-mail address for secondary purposes. All information and correspondence you share with us will be handled in the strictest confidence.

We may agree that e-mail has become a standard communication tool used by many different parties. Unfortunately by design standard Internet e-mail is not secure. For that reason, please do not use unsecured e-mail to communicate information to us that you may consider to be confidential.

California privacy law
Residents of the State of California, under certain provisions of the California Civil Code, have the right to request from companies conducting business in California a list of all third parties to which the company has disclosed certain personally identifiable information as defined under California law during the preceding year for third party direct marketing purposes. You are limited to one request per calendar year. In your request, please attest to the fact that you are a California resident and provide a current California address for our response. You may request the information in writing by contacting the Panolam Industries.

Internet Privacy Statement changes
This Internet Privacy Statement is effective as of July 2013. This Internet Privacy Statement is not intended to and does not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.

If we decide to change this website’s privacy practices, we will post those changes to this Internet Privacy Statement, the home page, and other places that we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information is being collected, how the information is being used, and under what circumstances, if any, the information may be disclosed. Panolam Industries reserves the right to modify this Internet Privacy Statement at any time, so please review it frequently.